At what age can a DNA test be done?

Age has no influence on DNA. Therefore, it can be performed from birth. A test can be done at any stage of life.

Can a paternity test be done without the mother's sample?

Yes. A paternity test can be done without the mother's sample, although we recommend that the mother also participates in the analysis as it increases the accuracy of the result.

How do I obtain the kit?

You can request it through our website, call us by phone, write to us via WhatsApp, or use our online chat to have the kit sent to you. Our customer service will inform you of the available options based on your location.

What does the kit consist of?

The kit contains everything needed to take the DNA sample. It includes sample collection instructions, the test request form, and two envelopes with swabs (small cytology brushes) for you to take and send your samples.

How is the sample taken?

You only need to gently rub, following the instructions provided in the kit, the inside of the cheek inside the mouth and then place the swab back into its envelope, which is specifically designed to preserve the sample in good condition until it is sent to DNA Solutions.

Is the test effective with a Mouth swab?

Yes. DNA is identical in any cell of the body, and obtaining a mouth swab sample is a simple, safe, and non-invasive method.

Is blood more reliable than a Mouth swab sample?

Una muestra de sangre es tan fiable como una muestra bucal. El ADN es siempre el mismo, ya que es idéntico en cualquier célula del cuerpo.

What if I receive the kit and cannot take the sample immediately?

The swabs can be preserved for up to 1 year as long as they are not exposed to moisture and have not been handled. After sample collection, although their validity can be several months or even years, to ensure the optimal condition of the DNA, we advise sending the samples as soon as possible.

Is the test reliable?

The tests conducted by DNA Solutions are extremely reliable, with an accuracy higher than 99.99%.

Are the results completely confidential?

Yes, DNA Solutions guarantees a strictly confidential service. Results are only given and sent to the person responsible for the request and data is not shared with third parties. Additionally, only authorized personnel have access to the data, and a pre-chosen password is required to release the results through means not specified in the form.

Are there other sample options for a DNA test?

DNA Solutions also offers the analysis of other types of samples. These can include nails, hair with visible roots, dry blood, ear wax, nasal mucus, semen stains, dental floss, and/or toothbrushes. We recommend getting advice on alternative samples before collecting them.

Can DNA be altered by any substance?

DNA cannot be altered by medications, drugs, or the consumption of food or beverages. If one of the people to be tested is undergoing chemotherapy or has had a bone marrow transplant, please contact us.

What are the requirements for a DNA test?

There are no specific requirements mentioned. The test can be performed at any stage of life, after birth.