
You can send us alternative samples for the paternity test. This option is ideal when it is not possible to obtain a buccal sample from the person you want to analyze. Since all parts of the body contain the same DNA, you can resolve your doubts without causing family or social conflicts, maintaining maximum discretion. Learn about the available alternative samples.

The secret paternity test establishes a genetic relationship between an alleged father and a child. It is a reliable and precise test, crucial for making decisions based on the results.
If the DNA sample contains sufficient genetic information, it can be analyzed similarly to a standard saliva sample, with equally reliable and accurate results. However, sometimes, after extracting the DNA, there may be an insufficient amount for analysis due to degradation or contamination. In that case, a new sample will be requested, which may incur an additional cost.


The test includes a buccal swab sample (from the father or child) and a discreet or alternative sample.


Taking a Secret Paternity Test is simple!

  1. Request the test.
  2. Collect the alternative and/or buccal swab samples.
  3. Send the samples for analysis. Once our laboratory receives the samples, they undergo a process of extraction and amplification, and the profiles are compared to achieve 100% accurate results.


The report will be sent digitally within 8 to 10 business days after receiving the sample.

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